Question: 'Most media texts target a range of different audiences.' How true is this for your chosen texts?
Lost is a prime example of a mainstream text. J.J. Abrams directed the text and wanted to gratify the widest audience possible. In doing so Abrams carefully constructed the text by using a selection of different conventions.
To achieve the widest target audience possible Abrams used a very diverse ensemble of cast. The purpose of this diverse cast meant it would attract different viewers from different races, gender, age and nationality as the cast contains people of multiple different back grounds. By using this varied ensemble cast it gives people someone to identify with which contributes to expanding the audience. Along with the ensemble cast comes multiple different narrative issues which the audience can identify with too. An example can be seen in the character of Jack. Jack is one of the main characters of the plot and is labeled as the hero. Jack seems to be a man in his 30s and his occupation being a doctor. We also see different relationships displayed, one of which being a father/son relationship. This again can be relatable to a proportion of the audience.
Another convention which is applied to this text in order to attract a wide target audience is enigma codes. The audience receive many different enigmas through this single episode, some of which are revealed in this episode.
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